That was kept secret by the monks for thousands of years

Mulonde Tips
5 min readAug 19, 2023

This article will be based on the teachings of Monk Dandapani, so to start:

In his words, if you learn about the power of your mind to the extent of understanding exactly how its mechanics work, you will be able to create whatever you want for your life.

There are incredible tools that have been used by monks for thousands of years and are available to anyone. Your mind🧠, much like a sculpture, has been shaped into a certain form. If you want to become a new version of yourself, you’ll need to break that mold, gather the pieces, and reshape it. This process is truly difficult to undertake as it is painful.

Personally, I don’t particularly want to go through this process, but when I least expect it, it’s time to reinvent myself once again. And then, I become comfortable once more, because that’s how the mind works — it can get used to version 2.2⚙️. However, to transition to version 2.3, it will be necessary to break that mold once again and remold oneself. When that happens, the only thing that goes through my mind is, ‘Wow, this is going to be tough,’ but that’s part of growth.

After a while, I realized that every time you take action and strive for your next best version, your body and mind go through a readjustment process, allowing them to feel comfortable with your current life.

But if you want to reach your next version, your muscles, your body, and your entire nervous system will have to readjust to this new version. So, I learned from the monks how the mind works. I learned about the power of self-affirmation and how to use it to shape my mind in a way that I can attract🧲 the things I want into my life.

First of all, you need to understand how things work. Then, you need to have the desire to change. Like it or not, that’s how you were trained. However, affirmations need three things to become special:

  • They need to be short and positive.
  • They need to be visualized.
  • They need to be felt.

They need to be felt primarily because the emotion associated with these phrases is the most important component of all. After all, emotion is energy, and energy is magnetic.

Nikola Tesla used to say, ‘If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.’ Therefore, when crafting an affirmation, keep in mind that everything is made of energy, which vibrates at a certain frequency. Hence, your task should be to align the frequency of your affirmation with what you truly want, so that the two aspects harmonize.

The first step is to understand the frequency of the thing you wish to attract. The second step is to alter the energy of your body in order to match the same frequency as the desired thing. And when you do that, attraction occurs.

It’s like trying to tune an old radio. Imagine the station you want is 📻 74.5 FM. If you set it to 74.4, you’ll hear a fuzzy song, and if you set it to 74.6, the same. But if you set it to 📻 74.5, you’ll hear the song perfectly clear. So, your goal should be to tune your energy to match the frequency of what you desire, so that attraction occurs. If Nikola Tesla used to say that to understand the universe, we must think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration, then we can conclude that everything is energy, but each thing vibrates at a specific frequency.

For example, if I want to harmonize with you, I need to feel and replicate the same way you sit, talk, and walk. It’s essentially what actors do. Perhaps at some point, someone has to portray Cleopatra or King Richard, and most likely, they genuinely try to feel like that person.

Take James Bond, for instance. Even though he has a specific way of walking and talking, many people have portrayed him, and hardly anyone would say that any of the performances don’t resemble him. That’s because each actor had the ability to shift their consciousness to a specific area of the mind responsible for feeling the character. This allows them to reproduce how he speaks, how he walks, and even how he adjusts his suit. They do this so well that you forget you’re watching an actor.

The same phenomenon occurs with Self-Affirmation, as by expressing positive affirmations 🧠✅, you are attempting to change your energy to align with your desires. When both elements vibrate at the same frequency, the law of attraction takes place 🧲. Keep this phrase in mind: “Life is a manifestation of where you invest your energy.” So, wherever you direct your energy, it will start manifesting in your life.

The best way to look at energy is to view it in the same way you look at water. For instance, if I take a watering can and water a garden, what will grow? Weeds and flowers, right? This is because water cannot distinguish between weeds and flowers. Energy works the same way. Whatever I invest energy in will grow. If I channel energy into something negative, it will grow, and if I put energy into something positive, it will also flourish.

Energy doesn’t have the ability to differentiate between what’s positive and what’s negative. So, wherever I put it, it will make things grow. That’s why I mentioned that your life is a manifestation of where you put your energy ⚡️. But now comes the question: how do you manage this energy?

1st step: Stop wasting it 🚮

2nd step: Conserve it 🧘🏻‍♂️

3rd step: Accumulate it 🔋

Afterward, take this accumulated energy and invest it in what you want to grow in your life.

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Mulonde Tips

Someone with a passion for studying and writing about personal development and financial markets