Facebook Blocks President Trump on Your Platform

Mulonde Tips
3 min readJan 9, 2021
Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook Blocks President Trump after recent turmoil caused by pro-Trump supporters invading Capitol Hill, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced that the president will now be denied access to the social media platform.

In light of the presidential election opposing Trump and Biden, a large wave of white American activists and supporters of Trump furiously took the Capitol under siege. The U.S. Capitol was vandalized and police barricades violated while protesters raided Washington, preaching their support for Trump, after which Facebook blocks Trump.

After the political violence, Zuckerberg decided to restrict Trump from using Facebook, since many of his posts were criticized as a door to “incite insurrection against a democratically elected government.

Trump had already resorted to social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook to express his ideas, since he said the media was too censored for his taste. Ironically, he also criticized Facebook and Twitter, saying that Big Tech conspired to cheat the presidential election.

Politicians Dissatisfied with Twitter and Facebook Censorship

Previously, Twitter and Facebook were called to testify before the U.S. Judiciary Committee, as explanations were required from Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Facebook, Zuckerberg, about how political publications were handled on their platforms during the elections.

The technology giants’ movement to censor Republicans and Democrats served to infuriate both parties, which called for Section 230 reform. This section protects online platform hosts like Facebook and Twitter from being held accountable for the content that social media users carry.

Both the CEO of Twitter and Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook were open to the idea of amending Section 230. However, they said that social media platforms should not be treated as publishers or as traditional media sites. Both technology moguls maintained their company’s action, with Mark Zuckerberg stating: “We have strengthened our application against conspiracy networks and other groups to help prevent them from using our platform to organize violence or civil unrest in the period following the election”.

Is the blockchain the answer to disinformation and centralized power?

The congressional hearing comes at a time when U.S. authorities and global legislatures are increasingly trying to restrict the monopoly of technology giants, namely Big Tech — Amazon, Google, Facebook and Apple. Antitrust hearings have been conducted with the U.S. Capitol to address the ways in which Big Tech has leveraged its power to frustrate competitive technology companies.

With the increased power of these corporate technology giants, the question of whether decentralization is the answer has surfaced. With blockchain technology, information is regulated by everyone who uses the chain and there is no central power. Since the concentration of power in distributed reason technology is technologically impossible, blockchain can provide more security in an environment where trust in centralized authorities is questioned.

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Mulonde Tips

Someone with a passion for studying and writing about personal development and financial markets